How to convert Quotation/Estimate into Invoice - 2 easy steps

How to convert Quotation/Estimate into Invoice - 2 easy steps

Learn how to convert your quotation/estimate into invoice on InvoiceTemple

Once customer agrees on estimate. It's time to convert invoice and make a sale. Invoice Temple allows you to convert easily with couple of clicks. This process save your time and you don't need to enter the data twice.

Here you can see the following steps to convert estimate to invoice.

  1. Go to Estimates in the left side menu.

2. Open estimate that you want to convert it as invoice.

3. Click 'more' button on the right side corner then a popup menu will appear.

4. Then press "Convert to invoice". This will take you to the invoice editor and copies all your estimate data into a prefilled state.

Convert to invoice - popup menu

5. After verifying customer name, invoice date, invoice due date then Save it as new invoice.

Save as invoice

6. Saved invoice will appear on the "Invoices" page.  Please see the invoice list page for the saved invoice.

Now its ready to be send to your customer.

Thank you.